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For all the bore water users in New South Wales. We represent the individual Bore Trusts and private bore owners in their dealings with government and other bodies where a collective voice is required.





Court: 'Negative impacts inevitable for proposed mega mines'

4 July, 2017

Author: ABWUA
A GRAZIER has lost the latest battle with a Queensland coal mega-mine.
Bruce Currie owned Speculation cattle farm north of Jericho.
Mr Currie and his wife Annette said the GVK Kevin's Corner mine's groundwater demands would effectively destroy their livelihood.
The property, west of Emerald, was in the region where mining giants GVK Hancock and Adani wanted to begin major mining operations.
Currie went to the Land Court to stop the proposed $4.2 billion Kevin's Corner coal project in the Galilee Basin.
But in a new judgment delivered at the Land Court in Brisbane on Tuesday, Member Wayne Cochrane decided the recommendation for the Hancock mining lease ought to be granted.
"Inevitably ... mining projects of this magnitude will have negative impacts and undesired consequences on the environment, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the mine," Mr Cochrane said in the new judgment.  
"However I have come to the view that those consequences are outweighed by the benefits that will flow from the development of the mine."  
GVK Hancock wanted to extract about 30 million tonnes of coal a year at the combined underground and open cut thermal coal mine.
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Gas is 'choking' ag sector

Julia Baker | 15th Jun 2017 8:32 AM Chinchilla News

Author: ABWUA
THE Basin Sustainability Alliance is calling for the Queensland Government to cap the gas industry's unlimited access to water from the Great Artesian Basin as the Government works towards a new draft of The Great Artesian Basin and other Regional Aquifiers (GABORA) Water Plan before it expires in September.

Established in 2010, the BSA represents the interests of landholders and rural communities in south-west Queensland concerned with the long-term impacts of the CSG industry on the GBA and advocates for the sustainable management of the basin to ensure its longevity for future generations of primary producers in the area.

The BSA responded to a public notice published by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines in January with a detailed submission outlining its concerns that the Government has failed to regulate the resource sector's extraction of water from the GAB.

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Artesian Bore Water Users Association (ABWUA)

ABWUA represents individual Bore Trusts and private bore owners in their dealings with government and other bodies where a collective voice is required. DPI Water is recovering water in the NSW Great Artesian Basin by capping and piping free-flowing artesian bores.

ABWUA Research

Great Artesian Basin Recharge Systems and extent of Petroleum and Gas Leases
Second Edition.
With Response to Ministerial Review
The Artesian Bore Water Users Association.

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The New Cap and Pipe System