Please feel free to browse the website for information.
For all the bore water users in New South Wales. We represent the individual Bore Trusts and private bore owners in their dealings with government and other bodies where a collective voice is required.
Categories: News
The Artesian Bore Water Users Association committee would appreciate it if you would please fill out the survey on the following link.
ABWUA represents individual Bore Trusts and private bore owners in their dealings with government and other bodies where a collective voice is required. DPI Water is recovering water in the NSW Great Artesian Basin by capping and piping free-flowing artesian bores.
As well as your details the following is included in the link above.
We would appreciate your Feedback although it is not compulsory when filling in the form.
What do you believe is the most important issue facing ABWUA or The Great Artesian Basin as a whole?
What is the most significant issue facing your bore?
Here you can find some great information to listen to about the Great Artesian Basin. This is a series of podcasts that have been put together to explain the Great Artesian Basin The past, present and future