NSW Groundwater Strategy
In a first for NSW, a long-term strategy is being developed to better protect and share the state’s vital groundwater resources.
The draft NSW Groundwater Strategy will deliver on a key priority of the NSW Water Strategy by providing an enhanced, state-wide focus on sustainable groundwater management for the next 20 years.
Our groundwater resources are becoming increasingly vulnerable due to changing climate conditions, population growth and increased land use. A long-term direction – harnessing the latest science available – is needed to make sure the way we manage groundwater continues to evolve to tackle the critical challenges it faces now and in the future.
Community feedback is currently being sought on the draft NSW Groundwater Strategy, which is on public exhibition for 6 weeks from Tuesday, 5 July until Sunday, 14 August 2022.

Public information sessions
Two online public webinars are being held in July 2022 to provide an overview of the draft NSW Groundwater Strategy. Each webinar will include a question-and-answer session.
Any community member wishing to attend either webinar must register beforehand via the ‘Register’ links below.
Event registration
Webinar 1
Monday, 25 July 2022
5:00 pm– 6:30 pm
Webinar 2
Thursday, 28 July 2022
12:30 pm– 2:00 pm
This information and more is available at https://water.dpie.nsw.gov.au/plans-and-programs/nsw-groundwater-strategy
Two out of the 35 Water Sharing Plans are directly relevant to the GAB. They are the Water Sharing Plan for the Great Artesian Basin and the WSP for the GAB shallow.
In the webinar today the Department was talking about maximising the economic return of water even as they admit the amount of water sold in some places is overallocated. The Eastern Recharge of the GAB is one such place. There was also talk about MAR – managed aquifer recharge or reinjection.