Artesion Bore Water Users Association AGM

Artesion Bore Water Users Association AGM

Author: ABWUA/Friday, June 25, 2021/Categories: News

Artesian Bore Water Users Association

AGM 2021

The Boardroom 

Coonamble Bowling Club

10.30 for 11am on Friday June 25th

Please RSVP for catering by return email by Tuesday   22nd June.

Some trusts believe that once they have capped and piped their bores, that ABWUA is no longer relevant to them. This cannot be further from the truth. There is strength in unity and the more members that ABWUA has and the greater area of the GAB we cover, the greater representative power we have in both Sydney and Canberra. This representation will be beneficial to your Trust in the future. It is vital, for the future and for the investment that you have already made, that capping and piping and the health and sustainability of the whole Basin is achieved.

ABWUA continues to advocate for the GAB and ensure that our elected politicians, both State and Federal, understand

  • the importance of the GAB now and in the future,
  • the economic value to NSW and Australia of a permanently sustainable GAB, 
  • that the health of the GAB must be sustained forever and
  • that It is vital that cap and pipe funding continues and is available to all.


We hope you can join us.

Thank you,

Sonya Marshall

Secretary / Treasurer: Sonya Marshall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Phone: 02 6796 1424                                                    Email:    


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