3 Sep 2018

GAB SMP Consultation Meetings

Author: ABWUA  /  Categories: News  / 

The GABCC has been giving information and direction over recent years for the writing of the Draft Strategic Management Plan [SMP] to manage the GAB for the next 15 years. The Federal and NSW Govt Depts intend to hold the following SMP consultation meetings.

Moree 11th Sept @ 10.30 am Moree Services Club, 3 Albert St.
Walgett 12th Sept @ 10.00 am Walgett RSL Club, 71 Fox St.
Bourke 13th Sept @ 10.00 am Diggers on the Darling, 23 Sturt St.

I would urge you to attend these meetings if possible, but I realize it’s not easy while in drought. The draft SMP is available via a link on GABCC website. The Consultation form and Submissions can be emailed.

I do not feel the SMP has given enough emphasis to the Capping & Piping Program and the advantages to landholders. We urgently need this programme to continue. I feel our views on the Capping & Piping Program are not being recognised in the present draft form.

I would like to show the benefits of “Piped Water” to a few Canberra people, and what it really means to us in the western areas, especially in a drought. Would you email me your thoughts, whether you attend the meetings or not re - 

[1] How the Capping & Piping Program has helped in the management of your property, especially in times of drought. I am sure there are many thoughts on this, include as many as you can.
[2] How you would like to see the basin managed into the future.

We need your input before it is finalised.
Our next GAB CC meeting is in Roma, 11th&12th October. I hope to have a great number of emails to take to the meeting expressing your views on the present and future management of the GAB.

If you receive this as a trustee of a bore trust, could you please send on to your fellow ratepayers.
Contact me if unable to find the SMP link and submission form.

Ranald Warby.
Chairman NSW GAB AG.
NSW Community Rep Fed GAB CC.
NSW. 2406
0428 287743.


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